Monday, August 31, 2009

How do you survive on Minimum Wage?

I keep crunching the numbers and trying to see what I can cut back on and still come up short. JR is getting more and more obnoxious about his job and I must say its grating on my last nerve. He keeps complaining he is working 14 hr days but because people are late loading or unloading, he only gets paid for miles driven, hence a 14 hr day turns into 6hrs of pay. I look at this and realize he is getting paid less than minimum wage on those days (which are coming more often than not anymore) and ask why he cant just come home now? He made me get a Sunday paper and look at the want ads, he doesn't trust the free online classifieds so I spent the $2.00 on the not even worth it paper. Of the one and a half pages of jobs posted he was qualified for 3. All were minimum wage and at 46 he thinks he deserves more. I cant say as I blame him but at this point, he is making less than that now and not even home, sleeping in his truck, and eating poorly. He is miserable and trying to make the rest of us feel bad for him being stuck out there while we get to sleep in beds in a house. He is afraid we wont make the regular bills like mortgage, utilities and food much less medical bills and the funerals we are still paying for if he comes home and takes one of those jobs.

Fear is crippling, the unknown is scarier than the known and he is over the top with it. I told him just come home and we will make it work somehow. He brings up the fact that we still have plumbing issues, electrical issues, and my car (our only one) is on its last legs and no possible way to replace it if something goes horribly wrong. I pray a lot that it lasts till things get better but i resent the fact he is leaning completely on me to find a solution to this BEFORE he will come home. I watch Oprah and see when she has Suze Orman on and think, yea that looks easy IF you have the money. It pisses me off to no end to see her helping these people who have mortgages that are thousands a month, credit card debt and cars I could only dream of having. Why cant they do a show on people barely making it on 30k a year, not struggling on 130k.

People all over are strapped right now so I'm not getting any takers for cakes and cookies yet but I'm not giving up. I will make a list tonight of how much we have in the needs to be paid column and sell blood if I have to just to get them out of the way. My stress level is through the roof and I'm not sure how I'm going to do this but I can't give up, failure is not an option but I will take any suggestions at this point.

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