Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sweet Dreams

OK I have come to the conclusion that I will have to raise most of this money on my own. I was taking inventory of what I'm good at and what is legally marketable. When I get stressed I bake and I'm pretty good at it too. I have decided to make cakes to get us out of this hole we are in. I went to Walmart an saw they sell cakes for insane high prices in comparison to what I can make them for. I'm staying at home so I know mom's who don't have time to make cup cakes and things for school functions and birthdays. Why not make them and sell them. I know when my kids were in school people looked down on the moms who brought the "obviously store bought" things. My mom made things for me to take so now I can bake for those who don't have time and don't want to make it look like they had no time. We all want that "Supermom" appearance so I can give it to them and save my family at the same time.

I'm going to be experimenting tomorrow with twists on the old favorites and calling them Dream Cakes. They will make our dreams come true...the dream of getting all the funeral bills paid and pay what I need to so we can get the loans for the restaurant and truck stop. This economy is harsh but I refuse to crawl under a rock and die. Ed McMahon is dead so he wont be showing up on my doorstep with a check for an ungodly amount of money so I need to work at getting it myself and there is no time to lose doing it. I know I shouldn't complain, we don't have as much debt as some people, but we want to be debt free. Our grandparents didn't live on credit and they were happier people in my opinion. Grandma saved pennies for a "rainy day" and grandpa worked hard to get her and my mom what ever they needed. My grandpa used to say a man can walk with his head held high when he doesn't owe another money. I know debt causes stress and that's what I'm looking to eliminate completely.

I put pen to paper and figured I need to make $4000 to pay off both funerals, doctor bills and get a headstone for Mystic's mothers grave. I know that it is a lot of money but I think this is easier to take on than everything I need to start the restaurant/truck stop. The best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time and that's how I need to tackle this too, one sweet bite at a time.

Mystic and Sandra will be helping me in the kitchen. Sandra and I have not always gotten along. I am like any other mother in law and believe no woman will ever be good enough for her little boy, but no matter what, she is family now and we need to pull together to help each other in time of need. I think this is the lesson we are all supposed to learn when the world goes crazy. When everything outside seems to be falling apart, the center of your home better get stronger. You put aside the petty bickering and annoyances to focus on the task at hand. I'm not perfect, some even say I am Satan in lipstick, but if we can get through this, we can get through anything.

I was thinking of making a website to promote the project but have not found anyone who knows how to make one. Its more complicated than I thought but I wont give up looking for someone to help me. For now, I will sleep and have sweet dreams of being debt free (except for mortgage) in 90 days or less.

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